Every materialised idea breathes new life into the blank piece of paper, into the world that needs to be beautifully sculpted, into the nature that should be harmoniously completed by the human presence with the creative spirit that has been engraved in the architectural wonders of all times.
One of the first steps future architects should make in order to build up their designing skills and drawing style is to follow their ideas with confidence and dedication. Creativity and practical aspects, gratiously blending with graphics and artistic sense… this is how the dreams of an architect slowly turn into reality, with every line, every hatchure, every stroke of pencil.
Every reality was, at first, a dream, an idea that fired up our imagination, a creative energy that continuously accumulates until it asks for exteriorization. This is how art becomes a universal language, immortalizing the highest emotions of the human being in an esthetic form.
Little details may have enormous importance – after all, no evolution would have ever been possible without all those small changes and inner drives that define the daily existence. The first strokes of pencil may not promise much – but they may also head for the greatest achievements of the future. Only time will decide.
Designing the Cube House
Based on the exam subject of 2002, the project illustrates a modern approach to the living space, in accordance with the main principle of modernism, expressed by Louis Sullivan: form follows function. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, the large living room and a spacious kitchen which opens into the dining room, the house also features an opened space at the top floor, which generously benefits from natural light and an inspiring sight. According to the preferences, this space may provide a perfect environment for an artist’s studio, a study room, an office or a mini-apartment. The large terrace at the top floor comes as an invitation for a breath of fresh air.
“Order and simplification are the first steps towards the mastery of a subject.” (Thomas Mann)
Minimalism in architecture, by using proper contrasts and ingenuously combining different materials, represents an expression of elegance. The facades of the Cube House maintain the simplicity of modern architecture and offer a ballanced reflection of the interior spaces and functions.
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” (Albert Einstein)
Learning is, in essence, an individual process in which everything depends on our choices and dedication. The closest teacher we have is always our inner self – the one that, between a cause and its effect, gives us thorough introspective lessons. But this does not exclude the importance of the exterior resources and the other people that share with us some of their knowledge. Every person comes up with a complex life lesson – about achievement and failure, about dreams and realities, about truth and illusion.
The greatest gift someone can bring you is to show you that there always exists a superior level to be reached, that, no matter how high you are on the scale of your development, you could be even better. For this reason, I am truly thankful to Michael Neatu for the great inspiration and support he offers to the aspiring architects. The numerous drawing techniques and pieces of advice presented in video lessons as well as in written articles have been of great help to me in order to improve my style of architectural drawing. Therefore, I warmly recommend checking the links below for all of you who want to get an insight into Freehand Architecture drawing: