… and I surely won’t be the only one eager to question you about this promising decision! How, what, when, where and why… But let’s not hasten, but take things in order. Dear fellows in the architecture field, here has come a new section in Dreams of the Architect specially dedicated to you!
Today’s world provide us access to widespread information and countless opportunities, so that every knowledge could become accessible. It is only left to us whether we want to open up our cultural horizons. With this aim, the blog brings up another series of articles meant to share the architectural experience from different points of view and, hopefully, to inspire new talents and high-achievers to join this remarkable profession!
I’ve been asked numerous times about what being an architect involves, what preparation you should take if you decide to dedicate your future to this field or whether architecture would suit you or not, according to the skills you currently have. Basically, these are the questions that may occur when choosing any other career. More or less, everyone has heard about different jobs and their specific requirements. Architecture still remains unclearly defined, partly because of the lack of focus on artistic knowledge in schools, partly due to the low interest show by people, who, in the era of rapid development, are more inclined to search for practical aspects than for style and beauty.
However, architecture is part of everyone’s lives more than you could think. The very moment you read this article, you find yourself surrounded by it. The space you live and spend most of your time in, the road that you take to reach school or the workplace every day, even your dreams: everything is set in space, and the human beings chose to sculpt their presence in the natural world through a science that goes back to the very beginnings of humanity. They called it architecture. And now you choose to be the one to take it further…
- What does an architect do?
- What does the training process involve?
- Which one is more important: talent or hard work?
- What personal skills make a difference in this field?
- What are the pros and cons for being an architect?
- How is the lifestyle of an architect?
- How to gain motivation into your work?
- What is the role of architecture in today’s society?
Let us try to define what architecture should mean in the future and find out how we can become part of the story in the upcoming articles. Let us start together the Preparation for Architecture!